VideoTile we work with a wide range of distribution partners who specialise in selling online video courses are part of their training offering. Many of our partners sell our courses via their own platforms and build their business through this. We want to support all of our partners to succeed and get the most from our video courses so here we’re offering some top tips for boosting sales and delivering the best quality service to your customers.

1.  Know your audience

Knowing your audience well will help determine the best courses for your customers. Selling online video courses is easy when you’ve got a captive audience and you’re offering something of additional value to them. Take time getting to know your audience, outlining your target customer and from there, you can select the courses from our extensive range that best suit their needs.

2.  Research your competition

Understanding your competition and what they offer is vital for ensuring you offer something better, or stand out in your own way. There are many training companies out there offering online training, so it is important to find your niche. You can also use their information as a guideline for your pricing structure and where you position yourself in the market. Your unique selling points of course, must be your own. Utilising your own LXP for example or your original branding will help differentiate your business from the pack.

3.  Commit to marketing

Your business simply will not get off the ground or generate any interest if you do not have a smart marketing plan. Getting as many people as possible to see your website is vital for converting them into customers. Utilise everything available to you: from your database of email contacts to ensuring you have a well-designed and optimised website. This all helps to ensure your business is visible and you can successfully market and begin selling online video courses.

4.  Partner with specialists

While you can create and distribute your own course content, partnering with specialises like us helps ensure an unparalleled level of quality in your course materials. Our online video courses are written and produced by experts. Many of our courses are accredited by the official bodies covering particular industries or skill sets. This allows you to market your courses more effectively and attract  more customers.

Ready to start selling online video courses?

Join VideoTile as a Distribution Partner and we will help ensure you have the tools you need to succeed when selling our courses. Get in touch today to find out more.



Photo by Andrew Neel: