
Our accredited digital certificates can be used for progression in the workplace or as a steppingstone onto higher level qualifications.

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Our Learning Management System (LMS) will deliver a digital certificate to your candidate on completion of each online course.

VideoTile obtain appropriate approvals and accreditations for all its video-based online training courses from a number of highly regarded organisations. All approval and accreditation logos are displayed clearly on each certificate.

For our highest-level accredited courses an additional certificate will also be sent directly to candidates from the appropriate awarding body. All taken care of by VideoTile with no additional admin for you.

candidates can access the LMS at any time if they require a copy of their certificates and each certificate has a unique validation code which can be entered into your branded LMS to confirm authenticity.

You as the distributor can manage this whole process as all certificates are also available from the distributor area of the LMS.

A range of certificate designs are available some of which can be seen below. Simply select which template you require from your LMS and all courses will then follow this certificate layout.

Candidate Reviews

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Please call on 01282 776324 or complete the form below and a member of our dedicated team will get in touch with you shortly

Certificate Designs (click to view)

Mobile friendly

Unlimited usage & bulk credit

API: Use your own LMS

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Distributor case studies

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