NVQ Online CoursesVideoTile’s system makes the delivery of NVQ online courses, flexible and convenient. It also provides the ability to stay in contact with learners via the Tutor Feedback Functionality. This ensures wherever the learner is, remote access and training are available.

The NVQ ePortfolio system for training covers the mandatory NVQ modules and is mapped to the learning criteria. The result is a portfolio of evidence that can be presented to support a learner’s course. The format of the course is perfect for training centres and colleges and is all provided in line with NVQ standards.

UCAS provides an overview of NVQ courses which can be read alongside our NVQ page to ensure this is the right NVQ ePortfolio system for you.

NVQ Online Courses Options

We offer the following courses as part of the NVQ Online Courses portfolio.

  • A/503/1170 Conforming to general health, safety and welfare in the workplace
  • J/503/1169 Conforming to productive working practices in the workplace
  • F/503/1171 Moving, handling and storing resources in the workplace
  • H/507/8757 Erecting and dismantling working platforms in the workplace

NVQ ePortfolio learning system will test learners as they go through each learning objective of the units. The final module allows them to type answers to prove they have learned and understood the content relating to each learning objective. This content can then be downloaded and used as part of the candidate’s work portfolio.

These courses also come packaged with new tools for centres to assign NVQ assessors to candidates. They can then mark and provide feedback on the content.

About VideoTile Learning

VideoTile Learning is an industry-leading e-learning and online video production company. We create interactive, video-based e-learning courses for training professionals.

We offer the following services:

Production of e-learning courses
Licensing of online training
Learning Management Systems
Website video production
Interactive video
Web presenters
Web video content
Online promotional web videos

Contact Us

VideoTile’s NVQ Online Courses are an ideal solution for colleges and training centres, regardless of location.

For more information, simply contact us and we’ll be in touch shortly.